Re: MD Scientific beliefs and religious faith

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Sun Apr 10 2005 - 06:49:48 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD Static and dynamic aspects of mysticism and religious experience"

    Matt, Sam,

    sam said:
    If a scientist or engineer 'doesn't really care whether or not their
    belief is correct' then they don't really care about the outcome.

    msh replied:
    No. The outcome is ALL they care about. They wanna land that
    spacecraft, complete that circuit, build that bridge. What they
    don't care about is the literal truth of their assumptions. In
    fact, they care so little about the "truth" of the assumptions that,
    if the assumptions get in the way of orbiting the satellite, they
    will DROP the assumptions. This is pragmatism in action.

    If either of you actually believe either of those statements, then you
    are sadly misguided by a gross caricature of reality.

    I am a professional engineer BSc(Eng) MIMechE, WWeldI, for over 30
    years, and an MBA qualified experienced manager in industry, and I can
    assure you few engineers (or scientists, or managers) have such a
    narrow, blinkered, careless, thoughtless view of the world. You are
    creating a disagreement where there is none and spreading the false
    memes in the process.

    Get real. Give someone other than philosophers credit. At least Sam
    started with "if" and is therefore not wrong in what he says in that

    The "spacecraft landing" is only a "part" of the outcome - go read
    Pirsig and his motorcycle maintenance analogies to understand good,
    quality engineering (or good, quality anything). Go read my review of
    Dawkins and the 10,000 rivets flying in close formation thanks to a
    plane-load of social anthropologists. Why make such a colourful world
    so black and white ? Repeat after me "There is no dichotomy".


    On Apr 10, 2005 10:40 AM, Mark Steven Heyman
    <> wrote:

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