RE: MD Have you seen this man?

From: Erin N. (
Date: Sat Feb 08 2003 - 19:16:28 GMT

  • Next message: Gert-Jan Peeters: "RE: MD Wavelegth reality | Reiki |"

    >===== Original Message From =====
    >I found another one:
    >Keown, Damien Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction
    >The "Very Short Introduction" series is a very prestigious and
    >well-received series of books (i.e. its readership in academic circles is
    >wide and its use in academic circles is great). He says, "perhaps more
    >than any other single work Robert M. Persig's [sic] Zen and the Art of
    >Motorcycle Maintenance (1974) -- although more concerned with Western
    >philosophy than Zen -- has ensured that this school of Buddhism is widely
    >known in the West, at least by name."
    >Oh, and Pirsig graces the cover of Steve Hagen's Buddhism: Plain and Simple
    >saying of it, "This is the clearest and most precise exposition of Buddhism
    >I have ever read. If you're looking for enlightenment rather than just
    >scholarly knowledge, you'd better read this."
    >Hagen's book is pretty good, by the way.


    Pirsig is mentioned on the back cover of
    David Chadwick's "An American Zen Failure in Japan;
    Thank You and OK"
    He says "Asked why Zen was brought from India to
    China, master Zhao Zhou replied, 'The oak tree
    in the garden.'
    This is exactly what Chadwick gives us here, no
    grand sweeping statements about the 'real' nature
    of Zen or Japan, just specific experience rendered
    with a peculiar intensity that lingers in your
    memory. The writing is excellent. The artistic
    integrity is the very finest."


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