Re: MD Hume, Paley and Intelligent Design

From: Arlo Bensinger (
Date: Tue Apr 26 2005 - 17:29:21 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Access to Quality"

    Arlo had asked:

    >>Who's engaging in "philosophy" and who's "pontificating"?

    Ham answered:

    >That's really an unfair comparison, Arlo. Mark is engaged in proving that
    >all ID arguments are invalid. I'm postulating a valuistic philosophy that
    >is founded on the concept of an intelligent designer.
    >Given my assertion that "man cannot prove the existence of a creator by
    >reason", what 'reason' would I have to attack anti-ID arguments?

    Maybe I'm out in left-field then, but I thought Mark was arguing that ID
    arguments rest on faith rather than rational or empirical arguments,
    while you were arguing that ID can be reasoned through rational
    argument, if not empirical means. From what you say above, I do see I
    was wrong.

    However, if your philosophy rests on a faith-based (non-reasoned) belief
    in a "designer", why attempt to put it into a "rational" format? Right
    or wrong, Pirsig believed Quality was NOT a faith-based (non-reasoned)
    concept, but one that could be experienced empirically, and that is (one
    reason perhaps) why he took the time to place it in a rational format
    (instead of keeping it a mystic reality like he was temped to do in ZMM).

    If you start from a non-rational, mystic "faith" in an unexperiencable
    "designer", what goal is served by placing it in a structured, rational

    But also, if you don't feel that your "designer" can be proven by
    reason, but must be accepted by faith, what exactly was your
    disagreement with Mark? I thought that what he was saying all along??


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