MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 02:42:07 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD The New Victorians"

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    On 29 Apr 2005 at 15:58, Platt Holden wrote:

    msh said before:
    Last I heard, Japan hadn't been moved to Southeast Asia. Would a
    quote from Richard Nixon be specific enough?

    "The only place you and I disagree . . . is with regard to the
    bombing. You're so goddamned concerned about the civilians, and I (in
    contrast) don't give a damn. I don't care.". . . "I'd rather use the
    nuclear bomb. . . Does that bother you? I just want you to think big."

    - Richard Nixon to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on the
    Watergate tapes

    Did I ever claim Nixon never drank too much?

    No. But the tapes contain numerous similar quotes. Are you
    suggesting Nixon was drunk from 68 through 72? But I'm not picking
    on Nixon alone. If they were tried under the rules of Nuremberg,
    every American president since the end of WWII would be hanged...

    flabbergasted platt:
    That's an idea of such low quality it requires no response.

    Here's the indictment filed against the Nuremberg defendents:

    Count One - The Common Plan or Conspiracy to wage an aggressive war
    in violation of international law or treaties.

    Count Two - Planning, preparation, or waging an aggressive war

    Count Three - War Crimes -- violations of the international rules of
    war (mistreatment of prisoners of war or civilian populations, the
    plunder of private property and the destruction of towns and cities
    without military justification). (msh: Now codified as the Geneva

    Count Four - Crimes Against Humanity - murder, extermination,
    enslavement of civilian populations.

    To anyone interested, I'll be happy to provide historical evidence
    and argument in support of the claim that, if they were tried under
    the rules of Nuremberg, every American president since the end of
    WWII would be hanged.

    Or, here's a link or two to get you started in your own

    But don't take Chomsky's word for it. Track down the history and
    prove it to yourself. Or, if you do some investigation and don't
    agree, I'll be happy to talk about it here.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
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