Re: MD the ideology of capitalism

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Wed May 04 2005 - 17:19:27 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Science vs. Theism: Where's The Beef?"

    Hi Ant, Sam,

    I've taken Ant's comments from a post to the Nuremberg thread, and
    pasted them below my sig block. They provide a good example of what
    I mean by state-supported capitalism. In addition to trade
    restrictions, other examples include government bailouts of failed
    banks, power companys, airlines and other businesses; tax codes that
    permit write-offs for advertising and other business expenses; non-
    competitive, often criminally lucrative government contracts to
    favored contractors, especially weapons manufacturers and military
    (and penal) support services; government subsidy of business research
    and development through public universities; government reluctance
    and refusal to aggressively prosecute labor-law violations. The list
    is endless. So-called "capitalists" know very well that if the
    government really did stop meddling in their affairs, their precious
    "free-enterprise" system would self-destruct in a generation or two,
    if not sooner.

    Also, Gewirth's Principle of Generic Consistency is an excellent
    formulation of the idea that fully-realized, fully-informed,
    unrestricted human beings will freely choose to not exploit others,
    which I proposed in my last post, here.

    Thanks, Ant.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
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    the MOQ – being a universal system - takes into account the freedom 
    and interests of EVERY rational, autonomous end chooser in the world 
    (as regards free economic markets) while in right-wing ideology, only 
    the freedom and interests of certain minorities (sometimes only one’s 
    self!) are taken into account.    For instance, the markets that 
    North Americans and Europeans bring into play are – in practice - 
    protected trade areas and are only free markets in name.  As Sam 
    Popkin, professor of political science at the University of 
    California, San Diego noted recently:
    “The greatest crime committed against Third World nations is barriers 
    to trade, in particular agricultural subsidies in rich countries.  It 
    is a big issue for both the US and the EU.  (quoted in the “Times 
    Higher Education Supplement”, April 29th 2005, p.17, issue 1689)
    In the long run [rational people]  will take this point on board and 
    support the ideal of genuine, unfettered, free markets that take into 
    account the freedom and interests of all rational, autonomous end 
    choosers.  As I noted before, in reference to Alan Gewirth and his 
    1978 text “Reason & Morality”, it is irrational not to.  In this 
    text, Gewirth introduces a moral principle (the Principle of Generic 
    Consistency or “PGC”), according to which all agents have inalienable 
    rights to the capacities and facilities they need in order to be able 
    to act successfully i.e. “Agents must act in accord with the generic 
    rights of others to (the values of) freedom & well-being as well as 
    their own.”  As I mentioned previously, his defense of this principle 
    is that it is impossible to deny the principle without contradicting 
    yourself (echoing Descartes’ idea that one cannot deny one’s 
    existence because this very denial implies one’s existence).
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