Re: MD Our Immoral Supreme Court

From: mark maxwell (
Date: Sat Jul 02 2005 - 23:10:04 BST

  • Next message: mark maxwell: "Re: MD Our Immoral Supreme Court"

    Hi Mark M:
    How can there be a no self without a presupposed self?

    Mark 2-7-05: Hello Platt,
    A direct answer to your question: We are events in the
    event stream; the presupposed self is an illusion.

    Myth? Are you saying the signers of the Declaration of
    Independence and the beliefs they expressed are
    figments of imagination?

    Mark 2-7-05:
    No. I am drawing a distinction between how they are
    socially valued and how they are intellectually
    For example, you do not talk about concepts such as
    freedom and justice, rather, you talk about a group of
    dead people known as the 'founding fathers.'
    Let us talk about concepts not dead people as if those
    dead people where not everyday folk.

    What "advances" in political theory do you have in

    Mark 2-7-05:
    Did i say advances in polital theory?
    No. Once again you are putting words in my mouth.
    Intellectual values have advanced in the last 200+
    years and these have ramifications for concepts such
    as self, ownership, freedom, etc.
    Are you against owning the chair you sit on, the
    computer you compute on, the plate you eat on, the
    shoes you walk on, the watch you tell time on,
    the phone you talk on, etc., etc. etc., the common,
    ordinary, everyday possessions that support your life?

    Mark 2-7-05:
    All these 'objects' are really events in the event
    stream. That is an intellectual postulation, not a
    socially accepted pattern of value.
    It is with intellectual values that i am concerned
    Platt, not social patterns learned through imitation.
    My social conditioning tells me i am an individual who
    owns things. My intellectual enquiery tells me these
    things are illusions.

    Yes. That's the other side of same coin. A slave
    doesn't own his own
    Are you against owning the property in your own person
    and the work of
    your person? (Of course, that would require admitting
    to existence of a

    Mark 2-7-05:
    All you speak of are relationships between events in
    the event stream. Intellectualy speaking the socially
    learned patterns are simply that: Learned through
    immitating behaviour. You think you own stuff because
    you are immitating those who agree with you.
    Am I correct to assume that the highest good in your
    view are "caring
    mutually enriching relationships." If so, what
    political system do you
    believe allows the most freedom to form such

    Mark 2-7-05:
    I think this political system must begin with children
    and their education Platt.
    Every effort would have to be made to provide all
    children with a supreme education in Quality as a
    Human right. No child would be denied for any reason.
    When these children grow up, they may change the
    system itself for the better.


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