Re: MD Who's Been Asked To Leave?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Fri Jul 15 2005 - 06:28:59 BST

  • Next message: Michael Hamilton: "Re: MD Theism, Non-Theism, Anti-Theism, Nihilism"

    Hi all,

    As I don't expect a public reply to my request for attributed quotes,
    please allow me to opine.

    My question to Erin was sort of tongue-in-cheek, as one who knows my
    writing style and tone might expect. It's pretty clear to me that
    she is referring to things I've said, not to stuff from the distant
    past. That's why I asked for quotes. I doubt she'll provide them,
    but if she does I'll have some fun cleaning her clock.

    I recently said to Ham and Platt that I expect them to provide
    evidence and argument for their political and religious opinions,
    when challenged. And I've suggested that if they are unwilling or
    unable to do so, they should post THOSE opinions to a non-
    philosophical website. I don't see this as asking anyone to leave;
    it's just a request that all contributors respect the nature of the

    The truth is, I'd never ask anyone to "leave" the list, as the whole
    notion is kinda silly to me. And, anyway, it might prove an exercise
    in futility: Anyone who knows anything about the internet can fake
    identities and dotted quads in a matter of seconds.

    Even when the Nazi Vogel was attacking me because his light-deprived
    brain thought that a name like "Heyman" must be Jewish, I strongly
    resisted Horse's decision to bounce him. For me, the ideas expressed
    by ignorant reactionaries like Vogel, and right-wingers in general,
    are so easy to expose as foolish, it's a pleasure to keep them (the
    right-wingers) around. Truth comes out, and Quality is served.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
    Web Site:
    On 14 Jul 2005 at 11:22, Erin wrote:
    A related issue hasbeen bothering me lately. There have been a few 
    times where members who are clearly interested in Quality asked to 
    leave the forum just because their ideas are not identical to Pirsigs 
    on it. Ironically some of these same people will complain about the 
    dogmatic, appeal to authority attitudes of religous people while 
    promoting that very attitude here.
    msh 7-14-05:
    Well, this is intriguing.  Which members have been asked to leave 
    because they don't agree with Pirsig?  Or for any other reason for 
    that matter?
    In which way has an appeal to authority been promoted "here," by 
    which I guess you mean the recent "Nihilism" thread?
    Can you post some attributed quotes in support of your allegations?
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