Re: MD Who's been asked to Leave?

From: Erin (
Date: Sun Jul 17 2005 - 13:12:34 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "MD The Legend of Bagger Vance"

    Mark Steven Heyman <> wrote:
    Hi Erin,
    I received your second post. As it contains only assertions without
    argument or linked-quotes, I cannot proceed. Quoting someone without
    a link makes it impossible to read the quote in context without
    spending hours scouring the archives.

    So you expect me to go scour the archives for the quotes. I can go give you the links for
    those quotes that I already gave you just asked for quotes
    I gave you them. If you really want the links I will get you those too.......but just note that
    requires we to spend a lot of time scouring the archives. I
    MAY be willing do this but my patience with interacting is getting really low. Frankly I
    don't know how much more I want to waste of my time posting to you
    EVER. You don't see to have any problems spending time bickering on the list but I do
    and think maybe if you really want your questions like this answered you
    are going to have to email off the list.

    MARK: Also, your second post contains neither unlinked quotes or any other
    evidence or argument to support your assertion that "people will
    complain about the dogmatic, appeal to authority attitudes of
    religous (sic) people while promoting that very attitude here."
    I'm very interested in your reasons for making this statement.

    ERIN: Personally I am just trying to attempt to understand some of the mean-spirited
    attacks that came out in the faith thread where dogmatic, appeal to
    authority was seemed to be given as but at the same time you can sometimes see that
    here. It was part of the inconsistency that I see that I was trying to
    explain to Arlo. (as for your other question about repeating my questions when
    thoughtful answers have been given.... yes he gave me a thoughtful answer but
    no it didn't address the inconsistency that I was asking about thus the repeat of the first I thought I was clearly asking about but then
    realized we are just in disagreement about whether there is one.

    msh 7-16-05:
    I suggest that, if you read carefully rather than skim say the last
    15 or so posts in the Moral Society thread, you'll see that I have
    been trying to push the discussion beyond bickering, and have met
    with nothing but evasion. I've answered all questions asked of me
    with no substantive response to questions I've asked in return. The
    evidence is there, if you choose to review it.

    Erin: Why should I focus my attention on an unproductive

    msh responds 7-16-05:
    How can you judge it unproductive without focusing attention on it?

    ERIN: when a thread starts I do focus my attention but when I see it start heading the
    direction the same direction with same arguments don't feel like wasting
    my time

    msh 7-15-05:
    For me, the ideas expressed by ignorant reactionaries like Vogel,
    and right-wingers in general, are so easy to expose as foolish, it's
    a pleasure to keep them (the right-wingers) around. Truth comes out,
    and Quality is served.

    erin 7-16-05:
    see I don't get is talked about how it is more helpful to
    stick to issues than to this right-leftpartykind of crap....yet you
    continue to do it.

    msh 7-16-05:
    In the paragraph above, I use the expression "right-wingers" as
    shorthand for an easily identifiable political agenda. If you read
    my detailed posts in political discussions, you'll see that I deal
    exclusively with ideas and don't talk right-left at all. In fact,
    I''ve often said that the left-right, lib-con false dichotomy is a
    red-herring to distract us from meaningful discussion. But, to see
    this, you need to read, not skim, my posts.

    ERIN: I don't really understand your distinction.

    msh 7-16-05:
    I don't understand what it is you don't understand. Can you clarify?

    ERIN: First I know tht you argued it was a red herring which why I first asked the
    question of why do you then do it yourself. Second I don't see why your
    right wing statements don't fall into the category of talking about a false right-left

    msh 7-16-05:
    The three conservatives I referred to are Platt, Ham, and Jon. This
    may surprise you, but I go several hours in a row without thinking
    about you at all.

    ERIN: oh my.....reading your last post I find it hard to believe that you weren't trying to
    make a statement about how conservatives argue on the list. As for
    surprised about whether you are thinking about me don't know what the heck you are
    talking about..... just another assumption about me on your part I guess...I
    told you to give that up your very bad about it!

    erin 7-16-05:
    b) your second part doesn't really go with the first...I don't post
    on political topics here so I don't know what you are talking about

    msh 7-16-05:
    I wasn't referring to political posts. I had in mind our first
    series of exchanges, on Pirsig's ideas of Quality, in which I spent
    several hours thinking about and answering your questions. Your last
    post to me, in that exchange, was this dismissive and condescending:

    "I give up buddy, nuff said. I'll stick with just experiencing
    Quality and I'm going to leave it up to you and the gurus to verify
    it, prove it, demonstrate it, whatever it. Good luck in your pursuit
    of emprical evidence of Quality."

    ERIN: where's the link/context ;-) or is that job only for other people

    msh 7-16-05:
    I'd be interested to know what you find respectful in the way he has
    handled my arrogance in the last 10 or so posts.
    ERIN: I just think he is more tolerant of beliefs he doesn't agree
    with than you are ones that you don't agree with.... I am sorry you
    don't see your own arrogance but how am I supposed to point out a
    condescending tone of a post? I never got the impression that he was
    trying to control your or anybody's political beliefs but I got that
    impression with you at times.

    msh 7-16-05:
    If you are saying I'm not tolerant of opinions
    unsupported by argument and evidence when expressed in a philosophy
    forum, then you are right. Postings of this sort belong in a
    different forum if the integrity of MD is to be maintained. I'm
    sorry you don't agree.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    ERIN:  again telling me what I think (and being wrong).  There is nothing wrong with 
    demanding evidence just about doing it in a respectful manner.  If your
    attitude towards me was more respectful I would be happy to pour through the archives 
    and get whatever quote/link you wanted....but frankly I just don't like
    interacting with you and find it a waste of my time.  Despte that I am still willing to do it 
    ...but only if you ask off-list..I am not wasting anymore list
    time for bickering.   I personally am going to try and avoid all contact with you on the list 
    for this reason.....with my attempt at avoiding in mind can I ask
    that you just not assume a post is about you unless your name is written
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