Re: MD Theism, Non-Theism, Anti-Theism, Nihilism

From: MarshaV (
Date: Mon Jul 18 2005 - 08:02:34 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD Theism, Non-Theism, Anti-Theism, Nihilism"

    At 05:41 PM 7/17/2005 +0200, Bo wrote:
    >Finally, Pirsig is correct: the MOQ is anti-theist, no need to waver
    >on that point. Intellect is the highest value and the social level (of
    >which traditional Semitic religions are relics of) is subordinate to
    >it. But because intellect is a static level it is subordinate to MOQ's
    >DQ/SQ system. And this have put things in a new light; the
    >Semitic kind of religions are still a lower value level, but the MOQ
    >have reinstated GOOD as the central issue.


    Bo, I find your post very interesting. I would like to hear about GOOD as
    a noun rather than an adjective. It would seem to me that as an adjective,
    GOOD drops the subjectivity to become - preference or probability in a much
    more objective way?

    I know I'm thinking above my pay scale, but it's what I think about.


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