Re: MD Metaphysics and Pragmatism

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 13:46:18 GMT

  • Next message: Erin N.: "RE: MD The Quality of removing Saddam Hussein from power."

    Matt, DMB, Sam, All:

    > I'm pretty sure I remember reading in Lila once a line like, "The
    > MoQ exists whether we know it or not," or something along those lines (for
    > the life of me I can't remember where it was). If that line exists, or
    > lines like it, then support is given to the Platt/Bo interpretation.

    "Actually the issue before him was not whether there should be a
    metaphysics of Quality or not. There already is a metaphysics of
    Quality" (9)

    Perhaps this is the line you have a vague recollection of. He then goes
    on to explain why SOM is MOQ in disguise and why it's impossible to
    create a perfect (absolute) metaphysics, one that will "win every time."
    All I am arguing, and have ever argued, is that the MOQ is a better
    metaphysics than its rivals, including Rorty's metaphysics that denies

    Perhaps if we agreed that "theories of reality" was a more useful :-) term
    than "metaphysics," some of our disagreements would dissolve. Then
    Rorty's theory, stripped of its arcane vocabulary, would be seen as, "All
    theories of reality are equally good and therefore equally worthless."


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