MD Absolute Ground Zero

From: johnny moral (
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 06:52:29 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD The Quality of removing Saddam Hussein from power."

    >DMB says:
    >OK. Let's look at the MOQ and ask ourselves about this problem, this >quest
    >for a foundation, for absolute ground zero. Is there really such
    >a thing in the MOQ? Is Pirsig like the traditional metaphysicians in
    >this respect? I really don't think so...

    Wait, isn't morality the "absolute ground zero" in the MOQ? I know it's the
    MOQ not the MOM, but doesn't he make the switch over to morality in Lila, or
    at least call it the equivilent of Quality?

    I would define morality as expectation.

    I know people have already said that searching for magic words like
    "expectation" or "morality" is beside the point, but I disagree. I think
    the best thing to do is trumpet "morality" as loudly as possible, because
    the word doesn't get much respect these days. People have a real negative
    attitude toward it. But if it is recast as "expectation", maybe morality
    can be revived.

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