Re: MD generalised propositional truths

From: Erin (
Date: Wed Jul 27 2005 - 02:51:27 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?"

    I'm not really sure where we're disagreeing anymore.

    ERIN: LOL I am not really sure anymore either. But I think it is here...

    So, in a sense, our "ideas of the universe" did encompass both Ptolemaic and
    Copernican astronomy. Copernicus' heliocentrism is contrasted with
    geocentrism. But in another sense, I don't think encompassing is a good way
    of putting it. For instance, do scientists need to know a lot about the
    history of science to do their job?

    ERIN: See in the Rorty quote I thought the reweaving and encapsulating made sense but the erasing/dropping a belief didn't. The problem I have with your examples like above because never knowing about a belief wouldn't be an example of erasing a belief. Like I said before the only way erasing a belief makes sense if you could erase it from memory. In your example it was never in memory in the first place so there is nothing to erase.

    I kind of read the Rorty quote out of context so I think might be another problem is that I am not clear what he meant by the web maybe I am not extending the web as far as he talking about it in a collective sense?



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