Re: MD generalised propositional truths

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sun Jul 31 2005 - 18:31:12 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD MOQ: Involved or on the Sideline?"

    Hi Paul,

    > Paul: Yes. In another post you have elaborated on your use of honesty to
    > mean having the attitude that "I could be wrong." I think this is to
    > identify the Dynamic aspect of intellect i.e. the willingness to change
    > or,
    > in my borrowed terminology, the propensity of a web to reweave.

    Yes, that sounds right.

    > However, I
    > believe I have correctly described the static aspect of intellect as the
    > organisation of beliefs into justificatory relationships, the centres of
    > which are GPTs. A balance between the two "forces" is necessary, I would
    > think.

    I'm with you part of the way here. I agree that there needs to be the
    balance between the two 'forces', and that _some_ static aspects of
    intellect are the GPT. Where I would go further is in saying that there are
    static aspects of intellect that are not well described by GPT, but are
    better described by virtue language (eg honesty, self-criticism). In other
    words, whilst the openness to honesty is Dynamic at any one point in time, I
    think that this openness is something that can be cultivated and enhanced,
    and that the people who have gone through this are the ones operating at the
    fourth level (more or less according to how far they've got). That is, they
    have a developed capacity for keeping their own beliefs and preferences at
    arms length whilst considering new static patterns or GPTs - and it is
    precisely that developed capacity which I see as an aspect of character. I
    think we are all familiar with how people differ in that sort of skill.

    I also think it's the virtue-related static patterns which ultimately
    structure the GPTs. But I need to think some more about that.


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