Re: MD Where is the Zen&

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Mon Aug 01 2005 - 22:40:24 BST

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    Dear Marsha,

    You wrote 1 Aug 7:46 -0400:
    "It is my understanding that Zen, or the Toa, is an underpinning of MOQ. If
    you know little about Zen, how you can fairly criticize the MOQ. If you have
    not investigated Zen, I don't see that you can fairly compare it with
    I need no religion to reconnect me to the whole, I am connected to the

    Aren't Taoism and Zen-Buddhism different religions??
    Maybe Zen & Tao underpin your understanding of the MoQ (and maybe even
    Robert Pirsig's), but does that imply that they should underpin mine??
    Aren't there different possible routes to the same mountaintop?
    What criticism of mine of the MoQ are you referring to? I don't think I'm
    very critical of it, certainly not of its foundations.
    What made you understand that you are connected to the whole? Re-connecting
    can be understood as re-cognizing...
    I compared the functions Quakerism performs for me with the functions you
    described Zen performs for you. I don't pretend to understand how Zen
    performs those functions and don't think I need to.

    With friendly greetings,


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