Re: MD Racist Remarks

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Wed Aug 03 2005 - 16:02:33 BST

  • Next message: Joseph Maurer: "MD Violent or non-violent"

    Hi Bo,

    > > [Arlo]
    > > I'm confused. Describing oneself as a Muslim is a focus on the social,
    > > but describing oneself as an American is a focus on the intellectual?
    > > How is focusing on national identity *not* social?

    > Religion (of the Semitic kind I must stress) is the chief social
    > denominator (according to Pirsig) while USA or any other
    > Western country is chiefly intellect-orientated. Again nothing to
    > do with intelligence.

    The folks who call the US of A a "christian nation" may disagree with you. So
    would the politicians and justicies who demand that the Occidental "10
    Commandments" undergird our judicial system and should be represented at
    courthouses. And likely so would the people who cry heresy whenever anyone
    challenges the "one nation under God" catch-phrase.

    Even Platt has argued that Judeo-Christian "morals" be upheld by law in this
    country... of course, to be fair, only a very selective few (e.g., to ban gays
    from marrying, but not to feed the hungry or shelter the homeless).

    Let me ask you this, according to Pirsig, much (if not most) of our "freedoms"
    come from Indian culture, not European culture. Would you say then that someone
    who self-describes as a Sioux, or Lenape, would also be "intellect-oriented"?

    And, I'm also curious where you would place Japan and Mexico on your scale. Do
    they align with what you call "the West"?


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