Re: MD MOQ: Involved or on the Sideline?

From: jc (
Date: Sat Aug 06 2005 - 18:49:20 BST

  • Next message: david buchanan: "MD Racist Remarks"

    At 10:00 AM -0400 8/5/05, Platt Holden wrote:
    >Does anyone want to follow Chomsky's Chum in worshipping the intellectual
    >quality of the hippies?
      A thought-provoking question Platt, worthy of examination...

    Hmmm.... Worship? What is worship?

    I think I know the answer to this one. We both do. Worship is the
    assimialation of values. What is good and what is not good? IF we
    rely on anyone to provide this answer for us, then we are worshipping
    that one. I believe that would be the immorality of a lower order
    (social) dominating a higher (values are of the highest order there
    In a completely different context, I would call it idolatry.

    But I do often find hippies pursuing very similiar paths to my own.
    I live here in the california foothills and sit on charter school
    boards and community gatherings where many thoughtful people elected
    to drop out from the social systems they saw as sick and twisted, and
    have gathered to themselves success and riches and real estate and
    businesses while maintaining a high quality country lifestyle with
    tomatoes in the garden and barefoot kids playing the river. I've had
    conversations of depth and interest that I would never find in the
    suburban/mall/cityscapes of the dominant paradigm, something I call
    "the mediacracy".

    How do you tell the messiahs from the degenerates Platt? Not by
    outward appearance and quick labels, that's for sure.



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