Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?

From: Steve & Oxsana Marquis (
Date: Sun Aug 07 2005 - 20:35:42 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths"

    JC wrote:

    You can't understand DQ by improving your SQ. It's not theoretically
    possible and in real life it never seems to work that way. The nature of DQ
    is the higher level informing the lower of resonances it knew not.
    Improving one's SQ is just a way of perpetuating patterns that are obviously
    not working. (demonstrated by "the need for improvement") That is because
    existing patterns become attached to an ego whose main "goal in life" is the
    perpetuation of itself and it's concommitant patterns.

    You can't 'understand' DQ at all. Understanding takes rationalized,
    articulate thought, and so is limited to sq. DQ / no thing ness / Tao is

    'Improving' sq would involve change wouldn't it? And, the engine of change
    / becoming as opposed to no change / being is something we call DQ isn't it?
    In fact, all patterns change (have inherent DQ), so 'being' really does not
    exist. It is just the ones that are stable enough to be modeled as static
    that we label 'static' patterns and associate with sq.

    Contrary to the above is it not also possible for the ego to get attached to
    the 'higher moral purpose' of DQ for romantic DQ's sake alone and thus avoid
    any obligation to the static stable social patterns inherent in the society
    one finds oneself? Isn't this an easy rejection of any value the current
    stable social / intellectual net of patterns may have? If one takes the DQ
    high ground isn't easy to avoid any dirty arguing about which sq pattern is
    better? Isn't it easy to avoid intellectual criticism?

    Quality implies getting better. This 'better' is a comparative term between
    two stable patterns, not any sq whatsoever and DQ. DQ is the vehicle, the
    means, the ferryboat, upon which we embark to move from one state of
    evolution to a second state that is (maybe) higher quality. The only way we
    know anything about 'better' is to compare two sq patterns.
    Non-latchededness does not mean anything, literally 'no thing'. Only when
    there is a latch can 'better' be determined.

    How I would determine the degenerates from the messiahs beforehand (IOW who
    to wager for based on the likelihood of producing a higher sq in the
    future), as you ask in another thread is who has general good character to
    start with. I can find 'better' use for my time than just gambling with DQ
    for the ??? of it.

    Veneration of DQ all by itself is just escapism IMO. DQ and sq are always
    together, inseparable, and are really two labels, a necessary foundational
    dualism, that enable the MOQ, nothing else. This grasping of the
    inseparability of DQ and sq is a third stage of understanding (first sq by
    itself, then DQ by itself, and then the harmonious relationship of the two).

    To experience DQ directly does imply to me voracity, seeing things just as
    they are without the ego's pre judgment filter in place (rejecting what
    doesn't match the current intellectual static pattern net), if only briefly.
    To capitalize on the value of this clarity, however, involves choice. It is
    in utilizing one's power of agency that one responds to DQ. And choice
    basically involves selection between sq patterns based on what is 'better'.
    And thus one grows. Abandoning all sq as worthless, polarizing DQ vs sq, is
    not growth.

    My definition of an individual: a localized net of sq patterns capable of
    autonomous response to DQ. A self-aware agent, while of course not separate
    from the whole, has this unique attribute that does set it apart in this

    Live well,

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