Re: MD dot-communism

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Sun Aug 07 2005 - 07:40:55 BST

  • Next message: David M: "Re: MD DQ and DM's thesis of the '4 -realms of SQ'"


    I think it was you own post on the "Healthcare" thread wasn't it.
    Platt and I responded to your use of "dot.communism".

    I pointed out, as a Disciple of the Universal Church or the
    Interactive Network, I completely support your view that mass
    connectivity and freedom of expression via the internet is a major
    force for change for the better. I (most of us here I hope) believe in

    BUT - I don't think you help the cause by hitching it (even in
    passing)to "Communism" (with a capital C) and "revolution", just
    because of a catchy rhetorical rhyme. (Ironically, but unsuprisingly,
    some of the ex-communist more totalitarian states have the greater
    censorship of those freedoms.)

    As you say all "corporations" are cooperative social organisations,
    but "Communism" is something specific - and a complete red-herring
    here. As I also mentioned, back to Platt, on the subject of
    "democracy" any social organisation with a common good, needs to
    organise checks and balances on how power and interest are

    But MoQ does not preach revolution. As you say in your final para we
    are talking about social "evolution". Come back Douglas Adams, sadly


    On 8/7/05, jc <> wrote:
    > Ok there was one post I read a while back that commented upon
    > dot-communism as being interesting rhetoricaly, but North Korea,
    > China, Cuba, yada yada gulag. Sorry I can't come us with it but let
    > me just lay out what I mean.
    > I read a newspaper article sometime long ago that talked about one of
    > the airlines being bought out by it's employees and comparing this to
    > communism's dictum that the worker should control the means of
    > production. So can capitalism and communism unite?
    > All corporations are in fact, community efforts, community pools of
    > resources brought together for profit motivations. Communism is
    > about empowering the individual in the face of capitalistic corporate
    > powers. The internet is the power of information and collective
    > thought and decision making. If individuals could combine
    > effortlessly into organizations created to meet specific economic
    > conditions, the dynamic evolution of such communal endeavors would
    > soon surpass the economic efficiency of the existing bloated
    > corporate giants.
    > However, that isn't going to happen as long as the same powers
    > possess in their hands, the entire cultural education. Whereas
    > mankind used to sit around a fire and repeat stories to one another,
    > nowadays kids are plopped in front of a tv set well before they can
    > talk and trained in the assimilation of values dictated by these
    > corporate giants and according to Pirsig, this is highly immoral. It
    > is a new breed of national socialism because the media is the
    > quintessential social medium, entirely anti-intellectual in all
    > aspects.
    > The internet is a dynamic counter because it is mainly intellectual.
    > Intellectual and pornographic. Weird mix, I admit. But the words we
    > share and the ideas we exchange have the potential of spreading now
    > that was never possible before.
    > There are all kinds of powers that humans can gain through communal
    > action. We can create living neighborhoods consciously with built-in
    > child support and jobs without commute. (CoHousing) We can examine
    > collectively all aspects of government from the top to the bottom and
    > comment upon it if we utilize open source governance.
    > Information is power. Power over hunger. (Anyone ever hear of
    > Masanobu Fukuoka?) Spread the wires and invite the dialogue and a
    > revolution can occur. Dot Communism advocates the immediate overturn
    > of intellectual property laws. Not the overthrow, but the overturn.
    > You might think this would restrict thed ability of intellectuals to
    > profit from their works, but on the contrary, it would free up their
    > works from enslavement to the capitalistic systems which seek to own
    > and control. It would also eliminate a lot of lawyers from their
    > leechlike fix on the system. It would free up creativity. It
    > would eliminate Microsoft and Hollywood with one blow and turn people
    > back upon their local community.
    > The main premise of dotcommunism is that with the right information,
    > anything is possible. IF information flows freely amongst all
    > peoples, and the impediments to social evolution are removed, the new
    > age will be a bright and happy one. Simply by force of the flow of
    > social good amongst the agregate populations of the earth. I believe
    > in DQ.
    > Hopefully,
    > jc
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