Re: MD MOQ: Involved or on the Sideline?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Fri Aug 12 2005 - 01:56:42 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Myth of the Stand-Alone Genius"

    someone asked:

    Further, msh doesn't respond to Pirsig's citing those who engage in ad
    hominem attacks as "evil." Does anyone wonder why?

    msh 08-11-05:
    The reason is, I've responded several times to TFP's misunderstanding
    of what is meant by an ad hominem rebuttal. But, FTR, here's
    something from 6 months ago...

    msh way back in January, 2005:
    There's another angle to consider in this cacophony of what is and
    isn't an ad hominem attack. The idea of "refuting" an argument ad
    hominem is different from simply insulting someone. If someone holds up a
    lemon and says "This is an apple, see the coarse yellow rind," and I say
    "Only a moron would think that's an apple," that's attacking an argument
    ad hominem. If I say, "Look, most apples have a slick smooth red skin and
    sweet taste. What you're holding is almost certainly a lemon," this is an
    empirical and logical refutation of someone's mistaken idea. If I then
    add "And, BTW, you're a moron for thinking you're holding an apple," I've
    issued an insult, not an ad hominem attack on an argument.

    Now, if we can only get those conservative assholes to understand

    Best to all,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
    Web Site:

    They always throw around this term 'the liberal elite.' And I kept
    thinking to myself about the Christian right. What's more elite than
    believing that only you will go to heaven?" --Jon Stewart

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