MD Thanks Ian

From: Mladen Duvnjak (
Date: Fri Aug 12 2005 - 22:26:53 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths"

    Thank you for clearing that up Ian I was curious about that as
    re-incarnation is a part of Buddhism and any reference in the books. I
    know Phaedrus dislikes psychology but actually having different
    personalities fighting for control of you is called multiple personality
    syndrome whereas schizophrenia has symptoms like becoming withdrawn,
    bi-polar swings, anxiety, “irrational thinking” and finally
    hallucinations either seeing things or guess what hearing voices.
    Usually the schizophrenic feels these voices are attacking the self but
    not of the self. Obviously the mind deluded thinks these voices are
    gods, angels, demons, aliens or psychics reading their thoughts.
    Actually people with certain DNA make up who smoke really strong
    cannabis suffer from a temporary form now called cannabis psychosis. In
    the beginning of the 25th edition Pirsig says the original use of
    schizophrenia meaning split or multiple personality but in modern
    psychology multiple personality and schizophrenia are different things.

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