Re: MD What it means to believe in the orthodox Christian God

From: Kevin Perez (
Date: Thu Aug 18 2005 - 02:40:39 BST

  • Next message: jc: "Re: MD Sam's Eudaimonia"

    Hello Sam. Thanks for the response (part three). You
    have provided me a
    clearer picture of where you're coming from.

    I'm reminded of a comment I heard from an old retired
    Episcopal priest. I
    believe it was in Huntsville, Alabama in 1991. I was
    there on business.

    He said he preferred to minister to individual
    persons, one-on-one. He said he
    wasn't much into changing the world through big
    programs. It was very clear
    from his kind demeanor that his method was listening
    and loving. He seemed to
    be saying that healing and spiritual growth happens
    when we're able to share an
    intimate moment or two with a kind friend.

    Funny how some memories go on.



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