Re: MD "Progressive" conservative ideas (today's oxymoron)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Aug 24 2005 - 18:07:26 BST

  • Next message: Arlo Bensinger: "MD Continuing Absurd Dichotomizations"


    > Platt>>And If you can't tell the difference between redheads and
    > heterosexual men and women, I can't help you.
    > So buddy ole pal, all redheads are homosexual? Or could some be
    > bisexual? Yowza, I have redheads in my family and I couldn't "tell".

    But can you tell a redhead from a blonde? That's the question. You ignored
    the context.

    > P.S. Platt, homosexuals have been known to procreate and, if you'd
    > ever spent any time around *them*, you'd know that there are scores of guys
    > who have sex with guys but go home to their wives and kids and in their
    > minds, they are heterosexual, not even bisexual, just like (I presume) you.
    > They say it's "just a biological function like taking a sh-t."

    Are you speaking from personal experience or from hearsay? Does a homo who
    wants to "marry" another homo do so to beget children?


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