Re: MD The MOQ conference hoax

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Thu Aug 25 2005 - 00:46:38 BST

  • Next message: Mladen Duvnjak: "MD hoax or what"

    Hi all,

    I just finished reading the fraud "Loggins" paper for the first time.
    Guess I'm just dense today, but what exactly is this hoax purporting
    to prove? That Ant McWatt trusted the fraud "Loggins" so, in the
    frenzy of managing the MOQ Conference logistics, he scanned for
    grammar rather than perused critically for content? That Paul
    Turner, trusting the fraud "Loggins," believed him when he spoke of
    his condition, and in kindness offered some positive words regarding
    the fraudulent paper's reception? Is the message behind this hoax
    simply that betrayal is easier than trust? If so, then well done,

    It's interesting to note that the FraudLog and his fraudulent cohort,
    Struan Hellier, were deliciously tickled by Wendy Pirsig's request
    for a copy of the paper. What sort of anti-SOMist demons are we
    slaying here fellas? Did ya have a good chuckle over fooling an old
    woman whose worst crime against SOM is that she fell in love with and
    married Robert M. Pirsig? Keep up the good work, boys. This will
    give you something to remember when you look back over your bitter
    little lives.

    Best to most,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
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