Re: MD the MOQ conference hoax

From: Case (
Date: Sun Aug 28 2005 - 15:51:16 BST

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    [CL wrote]
    What does "for the n00b" mean?

    [Case replies]
    n00b is leetspeak for Newbie: one new to the game (the game typically being
    a first person shooter like Counter Strike.) Leetspeak originated with
    computer hackers who substituted numbers for letters in their code and other
    communications. Thus 1 = l (lowercase L), 0 (zed to you Brits) = 0, 7=t,
    3=e... The name Elite speak derives from 1337 which = leet=elite. The elite
    are coders of the highest order. See the movie Hackers with Angelina Jolie
    for a more entertaining explaination of what the 1337 do with their spare
    time. For a more detailed and accurate description check out:

    I find this to be an entertaining example of the DQ of the internet making
    an impact on language. It is similar at leasst in form to the emoticon
    phenomenon which the sage, Ian Schoales has referred to as, "the graphical
    equivalent to babytalk."

    [Mark Steven Heyman wrote]
    And the number one reason why People Pretend To Be Someone They're Not:
    #1) They are intellectual limp-dicks!

    [Case replies]
    On the one hand much in these threads does sound like mental mastrubation
    but I gave up circle jerks in the 7th grade.

    [Mark Steven Heyman wrote]
    "Why should I be myself and take the chance that someone will find me
    ut?" --Zorro

    [Case replies]
    "I am who I am." --Yahweh
    "I am what I am and that's all that I am." --Popeye

    Case 8-) :) ;)

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