Re: MD Individuals and Collectives

From: C.L. Everett (
Date: Sat Sep 10 2005 - 01:31:44 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: Is MD a Black Hole?"


    First, I really appreciate that you are so patient with Platt. It's
    an admirable quality and as taxing as he is I'm glad he's here. I
    don't exactly know why. Maybe it's an adrenaline thing. Would that
    be "strictly biological"?

    On 9/8/05, Arlo Bensinger <> wrote:
    > All,

    > To restate my entire premise, then, what you call the "individual" I say
    > refers to the "social individual", which is formed by the collectivization
    > of "biological individuals" (language, symbolic semiosis, all that jazz).
    > From the collective formations of social individuals emerge "intellectual
    > individuals" (math, MOQ, science, etc.).

    I'm with you. Goody and Watt call the individual a pampliset "composed
    of layers of beliefs belonging to different stages in historical
    time". I think of a pampliset as a text (we are ONLY read here,
    except for those few of you who have met F2F) which has been written
    over and erased (like a chalkboard) time and time again predominately
    by "kultur".

    I use the idea of a space between that contains the individuals into a
    collective. It's all around us, we can't see it but it contains and
    connects everything. David Bohm calls the world of both the
    implicate-explicate order. It enfolds and unfolds continuously but
    there is no real separation between the one and the many, the tree and
    the soil, the individual and the collective.
    >Cripes, we ain't even talking politics!
    > Let the propaganda go, Platt, let it go.

    He won't, he won't, he won't. Platt brings insult and politics into
    everything. He is really little more to me, at this point, than a
    "name caller". I'll bet if we did a simple search of the posts in the
    last year looking for "you liberals" or "you lefties" or "you
    Marxists" or "liberals like you", or "people like you" we'd find out
    two things. Platt would be the majority poster of those lines and the
    subject would always be about current politics, not the MOQ. Pirsig
    would call him a "political reactionary" and would set up a character
    like Platt to be the straw man he took down at the knees. That's why
    I still wonder . . . hmmmmm.


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