Re: MD A Christian interpretation of the MOQ

From: Case (
Date: Sat Sep 10 2005 - 17:48:52 BST

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    [Case said]
    >> I am familiar with the view that the oral tradition is very robust. this
    >> would actually seem to lend support to the possibility that Thomas
    >> Matthew and Luke derive from acommon ansestor. But this really highlights
    >> the notion that the gospels were not written by eyewitnesses.

    [Sam replies]
    > I really would recommend Prof Dunn's book; it's very short and readable,
    > and it addresses precisely these points much better than I could. I just
    > think that saying 'the gospels were not written by eyewitnesses' is
    > profoundly misleading. The stories had become embedded in a culture which
    > contained lots of eyewitnesses. How far the writing was *done* by an
    > eyewitness is debatable, but that there is 'eye-witness testimony', in any
    > straightforward sense of the word, is, to my mind, incontestable.

    [Case reponds]
    Thanks for the tip I will try to find it and look it over. But the point you
    raise is a good one. But by the time the gospels were written the
    eyewitnesses were either dead or hiding. It is a bit like that scene in the
    Last Temptation of Christ, (loved the book, hated the movie) were Jesus
    tells Paul he will put stop to this nonsense and Paul just laughs at him and
    says go ahead and try, they won't listen to you. What we are talking about
    here is the evolution of an idea. Few would argue that there is no
    historical core at the heart of Christianity. It is the meaning of that
    core, which elements were selected for inclusion and why, that are at issue
    not whether what was selected was accurately transmited. But perhaps I am
    unfairly anticipating Dunn. I do intend to track him down.

    [Case wrote]
     Color me liberal.

    [Sam responds
    <grin> colour me prophetic then!

    [Case winks]
    I can live with that.

    [Sam wrote]
    > Hmmm..... you really do need to read a bit of Tom Wright. The
    > 'Jewish/Hellenistic' split has been undermined as being bogus, on the
    > whole. But this is one of those areas which would take us a truly long way
    > away from the MoQ (and I would need to do a bit of revision myself before
    > getting stuck into it).

    You are talking about N.T. Wright? That is ringing a bell but I will check
    that out as well. I do love reading about the first century. But you are
    perhaps right about leading away from the MoQ.

    [Sam commented]
    > Lucky you. But I did have this suspicion that 'the Jesus Seminar' was
    > lurking behind some of your points. They're not the last word on the
    > subject!

    [Case repies]
    For a number of years I was even a card carrying member. I think their
    stated goal is to increase religious literacy, hence the name of their
    magazine is The Fourth R. Given the state of religous literacy I do think
    that is a worthy goal, but I would agree they are not the last word.

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