RE: MD Essentialist and anti-essentialist

Date: Mon Sep 19 2005 - 06:18:31 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD The intelligence fallacy"


    17 Sep. you wrote:

    Me before:
    > >Pirsig in LILA says many things. The above quote sounds as if
    > >theories - definitions - are subjective secondhand reflections of an
    > >objective reality out there, and if this isn't SOM nothing is!

    > Paul: Subjective reflections of an objective reality *is* SOM. But,
    > of course, he is talking about Quality being beyond definition, not an
    > objective reality. Let me spell it out for you:

    OK, but a little introduction first. We agree that the MOQ rejects
    the SOM, but after that what? The SOL goes on to make it the
    uppermost level in the MOQ, while "orthodoxy" spreads it across
    the static hierarchy: Inorganic & organic patterns= objective,
    social and intellectual=subjective.

    This may pass artificially, but in addition orthodoxy makes the
    S/O Metaphysics an intellectual pattern supposed to be replaced
    by the the MOQ. This operation means that the SOM remains,
    merely dividing into a "practical" part (the 3 lower levels) and a
    mental part: Intellect.

    > "Since a metaphysics is essentially a [static pattern] and since
    > [Dynamic] Quality is essentially outside [static patterns], this means
    > that a "[Static pattern of Dynamic Quality]" is essentially a
    > contradiction in terms, a logical absurdity."

    You are right "orthodox" MOQ is absurd and the culprit is the
    notion that the MOQ itself is an intellectual pattern thereby
    turning it (intellect) into a thinking compartment. In spite of Pirsig
    having officially rejected this - and provided a new one (symbol
    manipulation) - the basic fault remains and will produce ever new
    forms of itself.

    The SOL interpretation is on the other hand logically coherent
    because it absorbs the SOM completely, All S/Os - past and
    future ones - are intellecual patterns, thereby creating a static
    intellectual level, which it was meant to be from the outset, and
    otherwisely making the MOQ immune to attacks. Look Matt has
    shut up!

    > Paul: Well, I'm taking an extended break from the list so give it
    > your best shot.

    I regret that. Hope this reaches you before you leave.


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