Re: MD Individuals and Collectives

From: Case (
Date: Sat Sep 24 2005 - 11:06:59 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Individuals and Collectives"

    > [Platt]
    > "Patriot" as defined by Merriam Webster: "one who loves his or her
    > country and supports its authority and interests." Those characters fail
    > to meet the definition, especially in regards to elected "authority." To
    > them, whatever is wrong in the world is America's fault.
    > [Case]
    > I don't think this definition means one who gives blind allegance to
    > country. Furthermore your frequent rants against the govenment would
    > clearly put you in the camp of non-patriots. Our history is full of
    > patriots who have spoken out against the government when it was wrong.
    > [Arlo feels he must interject...]
    > Given the above definition... what does that make Rush Limbaugh during the
    > Clinton years? A traitor!
    > Ah, but once again I'll wait for the Janus Realization. "Patriotism" only
    > means you have to blindly support the REPUBLICAN party. You can be a
    > patriot and hate and despise democrats and criticize Clinton and Carter
    > until you're blue in the face. You are still a patriot. But be critical of
    > a republican president or republican inspired action and
    > wwwwwwhhhhhhhoooooooaaaaaaaaa you are a traitor commie pinko leftist
    > marxist ANTIPATRIOT.
    > When Platt speaks out against "the liberals" or Clinton, he is completely
    > being patriotic. When you speak out against "the conservatives" or Bush,
    > you are a traitor. When Rush Limbaugh spent 3 hours a day during the
    > Clinton years speaking out against everything done by the White House (I
    > know, I listened), he was being a patriot. When Chomsky or Al Franken
    > speak out against Bush, they are traitors.
    > You see. That's how it works, isn't it? That's all part and parcel of the
    > Big Dichotomy. Republican and Patriot are synonyms. Democrat and Patriot
    > are antonyms.

    Excellent point, Arlo, I am so used to listening to the whole neo-con rant,
    I sometimes forget just how offensive it is. Thanks for the reminder.

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