Re: MD a query about Lila

From: khaled Alkotob (
Date: Sun Oct 02 2005 - 05:28:17 BST

  • Next message: Erin: "Re: MD Duty to Oneself Only? Or Others?"

    Well a free market is the only way to do business with that comes a few

    1. No government subsidies, else it's not a free market.

    2. Minimum government interference. For example i should be able to get
    my drugs from Canada if I find them cheaper there and not be stopped by a
    law that was pushed thorough by the lobbyist of the drug companies.

    3. Fairness, I know that some people are going to call it socialism or
    communism. Here is the question. if I make a product, and I have been
    doing well. A new competitor shows up, under a free market competition is
    good, it make the product better and gives the consumer more choices and
    better prices. If i have deeper pockets and can afford to sell the
    product at a cheaper price for a while until they competition goes
    bankrupt, should I do that?
    should the government interfere and accuse me of dumping the goods in
    order to put him out of business? And what if I drive him out of business
    and then drive me out of business ( Drugs, Gambling, fire, ....) suddenly
    that product is no longer available, should the people blame the
    government for not protecting the other guy?

    On Sun, 2 Oct 2005 00:18:11 +0200 (CEST) Mladen Duvnjak
    <> writes:
    > I think both books are brilliant but I have one query
    > Lila states that capitalism makes everyone richer because it is a
    > dynamic system
    > but there is a problem how much richer does everyone need to be
    > capitalism is based on the ever increasing consumption of the Earth
    > which is a finite set of resources which is illogical. Basically the
    > whole economy is based on oil even though we could run cars of
    > vegetable oil which is renewable but obviously George Bush and
    > Haliburton wouldn't;t make any money out of it. And no matter what
    > Platt says there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, The
    > hurricanes have proved the whole of civilization is based on oil and
    > ever more powerful hurricanes may be caused by global warming of the
    > oceans. So without fusion ore a safe way to use hydrogen for
    > combustion ( as electrolysis is energy demanding) WE#RE FUCKED. MOQ
    > is great but how do we move from an oil based combustion economy to
    > a sustain able clean technology economy.

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