Re: MD Any help

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 21:09:48 BST

  • Next message: Erin: "Re: MD Partisan Politics, Labels and Distraction (was terrorism)"

    Hi Weknowitwell,

    > This got me wondering, and it's more of a personal question because I'm
    > curious. Are there any ideas or stances you had before reading Pirsig's
    > work that changed after reading/after applying the MOQ? If so, could you
    > share a few?

    I've changed a number of views after reading the MOQ. The major one was my
    previous view that morality applied only to social relations. Now I see
    that morality applies to everything, including and most importantly, my
    immediate experience. Other views changed were that science and art are
    both pursuing the same goal rather than being miles apart, that so called
    critical thinking based on the scientific model has been a disaster in
    trying to control society because it has no provision for morals, and that
    capitalism is far superior to socialism that so many here support because
    capitalism is open to the influence of Dynamic Quality.

    Hope this helps.


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