Re: MD Rhetoric

From: david buchanan (
Date: Mon Oct 24 2005 - 02:35:04 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD The SOL fallacy was the intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)"

    Matt, DM and all:

    And thanks for the encouragment, Gav.

    Matt said:
    One of the things my gut reactions tell me is that we should be wary of
    Pirsig's descriptions of SOM. I've mentioned for a while that I think
    Pirsig conflates two enemies in an unhelpful matter, representationalism and

    dmb says:
    Wary? It wouldn't hurt to be explicit about all the various permutations and
    inter-related issues, but I don't think his broad and commonsesical concept
    is bad for being broad and commonsensical. Drawing out the connections and
    distinctions between representaltionalism and materialism, for example,
    would probably help to clarify or deepen the reader's understanding of SOM.
    As I understand it, SOM is given different names by various thinkers. I
    guess I'm saying that the broadness of the term is useful for Pirsig since
    he is not taking sides with subjective idealists or any kind of physicalist.
    He's using the term SOM to condemn the whole lot of them.

    Matt said to DM:
    I think we can see that played out in your descriptions of the problem. You
    keep pegging me with some kind of reductive materialism, when the only
    problem I can see with materialism was that it was reductive.

    Matt said to dmb:
    A description is only reductionistic if it adds, after the details of the
    description, "this is how things really are." This is not how non-reductive
    physicalists describe things.

    dmb replies:
    I don't know how John Dupre "argues that materialism without reductionism is
    meaningless", but I am struck by at least two things here. You seem to be
    saying that non-reductive physicalists can talk just like reductive
    materialist as long as they don't assert it as the absolute truth or
    something like that. This kind of move strikes me as quite odd. Its like an
    open declaration that you've given yourself permission to equivocate every
    time the philosophical going gets tough and I don't like it.

    But more than that, reduction isn't the problem. I mean, you neo-pragmatists
    seem to have a strange alliance with science, which operates with the kind
    of naive realism that allows most scientists to believe that the physical
    sciences explore the real world and the scientific method of observation
    with the physical sense is really the road to the truth about reality. As I
    understand it, the position that "the limits of my language are the limits
    of my world" is supposed to be extremely skeptical about the sort of naive
    realism. Its at the opposite corner of the SOM box, asserting an
    intersubjective reality rather than an objective one. And yet this strange
    alliance, pretending to reject only the reductionist part. If you want me to
    believe that one, you'll definately have to draw me a picture.

    DM sadi to Matt:
    I agree that there is a lot of ideas about understanding and
    recontextualising SOM in philosophy we could use: Bergson, Schelling, Hegel,
    Heidegger, Richard Tarnas, Merleau-Ponty, Rorty, Derrida, Levinas, etc.

    dmb says:
    I'd like to see that.

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