RE: MD A Question of Balance / Rules of the Game

From: Case (
Date: Sat Nov 05 2005 - 15:54:35 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Looking for the primary difference"

    I disagree,

    What with the popular, of cultural relativism I actually think this is a
    dangerous standpoint to take. People are poor, people are rich, it's all
    relative; people live, people are killed, it's all relative; people lie,
    people are honest, it's all relative.

    It's not. What happens in one culture is not completely disrelated to
    another. Just because hedonism is bad in one culture and O.K. in another
    doesn't suddenly make hedonism 'relative'. Hedonism, i.e intellectual
    advocacy of biological quality, threatens social value and so it is bad not
    just for one particular person in one particular culture at a certain time,
    but for all people, everywhere.

    If this were just nonsense I could have let it slide, as I have no desire to
    get into this debate but this not just nonsense it is pernicious nonsense.
    Letting it alone is like leaving a loaded gun on a preschool playground. The
    idea that there are Moral Absolutes and that one culture is "right" and
    another is "wrong" is exactly the case the Muslim extremists make make and
    use to justify their guerilla wars against the Great Satan. It is a very bad
    idea to judge one culture from the perspective of another. This practice has
    been soundly condemned within the social sciences and rightly so.

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