MD the quality of ignoring low quality

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Thu Mar 13 2003 - 07:24:58 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD the quality of ignoring low quality"

    Dear all,

    Critical reactions to postings experienced as low-quality usually don't lead
    to high-quality replies.
    Critical reactions to postings experienced as high-quality sometimes lead to
    high-quality replies.
    Reactions to high-quality postings that mix criticism and endorsement often
    lead to higher quality in the replies.
    Reactions highlighting only the high-quality aspects of high-quality
    postings are the only ones almost sure to increase the quality of this list.

    The word quality in the above is used consistently in a SOMish manner: as
    attribute of objects.
    Using the grammatical construction 'quality of' usually confuses our
    understanding of the MoQ, in which 'Quality' is the 'substance of'
    experience and reality.
    MoQish 'Quality' can be further distinguished (only) in the 'stability' of
    patterns we experience, their 'versatility' (recognizability despite change
    and different circumstances) en 'dynamic' (appearance of new patterns).
    MoQish 'Quality' is only an attribute of patterns.
    We have to guard against confusing patterns (which can be categorized by
    level) and objects (which can usually participate in patterns of different
    levels). This is very difficult, because the same words that we need to
    describe patterns can also be used to refer to objects. It is only possible
    if we understand from each other that this is what we want (distinguish SOM
    from MoQ and objects from patterns) and try not to misinterprete each other.

    MoQ as a discursive practice that can exemplify an alternative for
    subject-object-thinking is a pattern of using 'Quality' in a MoQish way (as
    described above). Lapses are inevitable, because we are used to use the same
    language in a SOMish way.
    MoQ as a real 'metaphysics' may indeed be unnecessary.

    With friendly greetings,


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