RE: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?

From: johnny moral (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 16:23:09 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?"

    Hi Matt, can you expand on this for me please?

    >The route that Rorty goes in taking the post-modern turn is getting rid of
    >the appearance/reality distinction and, as I see it, that distinction is
    >absolutely paramount to the mysticism Pirsig wants to incorporate. As I
    >see it, he's riding a fence between modern and post-, but needless to say,
    >I still want to consider if he has found a third alternative.

    I'm intrigued because Edwards seems to encompass Rorty and Pirsig here, if I
    read you right. Edwards believed (like Rorty?) that there was no
    distinction between perception and reality (see James Carse's book Jonathan
    Edwards and the Visibility Of God)..(also, that was why he was so harsh on
    sinners and against the idea that people can have a private relationship
    with God, invisible to others, but it went much deeper, to the core of his
    ontology), and he also saw reality as being habits and dispositions, which I
    see as another name for Pirsig's patterns. If you are looking for a third
    alternative, I strongly recommend Edwards.

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