Re: MD Nifty move.

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 03:23:27 GMT

  • Next message: Valence: "Re: MD Burden of Proof"


    Noticed something quite funny today, something maybe only a handful of
    people might have picked up on. I read Squonk's post, "Nifty move," and
    thought, "Hunh, that sounds real familiar. Like, really familiar."

    It only took me three tries to find the post I thought I would find.

    Squonk said:
    A beautiful thing Pirsig did was to make axiology and metaphysics the same.
    Value is reality. After that you are left with epistemology which is
    predominately covered in ZAMM.
    (In Ch. 18 of ZAMM Pirsig essentially asks the question, "How do we know
    reality has value?" That was the pinnacle question to establish Quality. We
    need to establish the MoQ by asking, "Why is Dynamic better than static?")
    So, essentially Pirsig reduces axiology into metaphysics, a nifty move if
    I've ever seen one! This also means that three branches of axiology
    (politics, aesthetics, and ethics) become the same thing as his
    metaphysics. Pirsig's metaphysics is his ethics.

     From "Migration towards Dynamic Quality" (Thursday, May 31 2001):
    The beautiful thing that Pirsig did was make axiology and metaphysics the
    same thing. Value is reality. After that you're just left with
    epistemology which is what was predominately covered in ZAMM. (In fact, in
    Ch 18 of ZAMM, we find Pirsig essentially asking the question How do we
    know reality has value? That was the pinnacle question to establish
    Quality. Now we need to establish the MOQ by answering Why is Dynamic
    better than static?) So, essentially Pirsig reduces axiology into
    metaphysics, a niffty move if I've ever seen one. What that also means is
    that the (at minimum) three branches of axiology (politics, aesthetics, and
    ethics) become the same thing as his metaphysics. Pirsig's metaphysics is
    his ethics.

    The author was "Matt the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," my former,
    foundationalist alter-ego, who was only on his third post when that
    paragraph was written. As far as I can see, the only difference is 16
    words, four commas, four quotation marks, three paragraph indents, two
    parentheses, one exclamation point, one period, and one correct spelling of
    "nifty." Oh, and a switch to the way both Squonk and I (now) prefer to
    make "Metaphysics of Quality" into an acronym.

    The only people who may have noticed this (who are still regular posters,
    after all, this was almost two years ago) are Platt (who was quite
    supportive of my early postings, calling my second post ever an "an
    accurate and succinct summary of the MOQ," saying, "I don't recall ever
    reading a better synopsis of Pirisig's revolutionary metaphysics."), Sam
    (whose very first post, if I'm correct, was in response to the post in
    question), and Wim (whose very first post, if I'm correct, was a response
    in the thread in question).

    So, its obvious Squonk did a copy and paste job. And its obvious he isn't
    trying to hide it. The thing that's flabbergasting is, "Why?" What could
    Squonk possibly be trying to do?

    Well, I think I have a theory.

    I think Squonk was setting a trap for me. For a while now, Squonk has been
    trying to tag me with this overriding desire for fame, prestige, and glory
    (as if any of that is something one can gain at the MoQ Forum). That I
    post on the MoQ because I'm "dominated by social patterns of value" and my
    "project is about building coalitions with others to a politically
    motivated agenda." (Which is funny in itself given the amount I actually
    talk about politics.) So, I think Squonk was baiting me to see if I would
    speak up. That, "Hey, I wrote that, I should be the one who gets credit
    for it." That would then be proof positive that I'm dominated by social
    patterns, that anything I say should be disregarded because there's no
    Quality in it, that I should be ostracized for being ... what, human?

    Since I consciously walked into Squonk's trap (if it was a trap) I'll say
    this on my own behalf. I deny that I can be considered to be "dominated by
    social patterns" and I certainly deny that my project is politically
    motivated (even in a broad construal of politics). I thought I was always
    quite forthright about how I've never been out to convert people. If some
    people come around to my way of thinking, or pick up on some of the things
    I say, that's their choice; it really has no bearing on what I
    post. However, I can willfully admit that I enjoy praise, I like it when
    people come to my defense every once in a while, I have pride in what I
    write. So there you go Squonk. Confirmation. I enjoy the things I write,
    I think some of it is quite good. Crucify me if you will.

    Of course, my crucifixion will never come because Squonk is the only person
    that really hates me so (or, at least for those reasons). Squonk has
    overdramatized the stakes and the enemy in his narrative of the workings of
    the MoQ Forum because otherwise his ragings would look pretty
    unneeded. Squonk needs to paint me as the Anti-Christ because if he
    doesn't, nobody will fear the world will end if I go unchecked. And I'm
    only the latest in a series of Squonk's Anti-Christs. Bo was the first and
    he finally got tired of it. Platt was another. And I'm sure there will be
    more if I go before Squonk does. And yet, the world still hasn't
    ended. Squonk's zealotry looks to be just that: slanderous and quite
    boring for people who don't take him seriously. When others push the
    envelope of decency, they typically have some bite because the may hit
    closer to home then some would like. But I've found Squonk's ravings to be
    so empty as to be just laughable.

    Since he finds me to be just as empty, I wish he would just laugh and leave
    it at that.


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