RE: MD Mysticism and the appearance/reality distinction

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Tue Apr 01 2003 - 03:53:56 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD A conflict of values"

    Matt, Sam, Rick, and all:

    Matt said:
    Granted that not all mysticisms are the same. The main point I want to
    make about mysticism is that if it has a concept of "maya," a notion that
    if we move past the illusion of our senses or concepts or language or
    whatever, that we will then see Reality as it truly wants to be seen, then
    I would interpret it as having an appearance/reality distinction.

    DMB replied to Matt:
    You're hunting in the wrong ocean, Ahab. Your great white whale, the
    appearence/reality distinction, swims in the sea of epistemology.
    Metaphilosophically or otherwise, mysticism is not the same as epistemology.
    Pirsig is only making a distinction about two kinds of experience, mediated
    and unmediated, static and Dynamic.

    Sam responded to the chat:
    I think it indubitable that mysticism is not the same as epistemology, but I
    don't think it makes the point that DMB wants it to make. Mysticism is
    different from all philosophical disciplines, surely? The issue is what is
    claimed on behalf of mystical insights, and those claims can have
    epistemological status.

    DMB says:
    Mysticism is not epistemology. Right. This is my central objection to Matt's
    argument. Its not so much that mysticism has no impact on our claims about
    knowledge, its just that the appearence/reality distinction is specifically
    a creature of philosophy and not of spirituality. From Plato to Kant and
    beyond Philosophers have wondered if reality is really as we see it.
    Especially starting in Modern times, there were lots of questions about the
    way our sensory organs and brains shape our perceptions of world. Even more
    recently, we've turned to neuroscience and psychology for answers.
    Postmodernism offers the insight that our understandings are culturally
    determined, and Pirsig goes along with that to a large extent. The point
    here is that the appearence reality disitinction has a long history and
    mysticism doesn't figure in it. Its always been about the problem of
    mediation, a static patterns problem.

    Besides, the bigger issue at stake in my main objection, that epistemology
    is not mysticism, is that Pirsig spells out his epistemological position and
    there we find no such distinction. Its almost as if Matt were disappointed
    to find he could not pin it on Pirsig, and so went looking for it in
    inappropriate contexts, such as discussion of mysticism or cultural filters.
    I think that's like looking for dinner at the hardware store.

    SAM said:
    However, that perspective of Pirsig's does not necessitate an equation of DQ
    with Reality. I think that DMB is equating DQ and Reality, whilst Matt is
    denying it (I'm not sure where Scott stands).

    DMB says:
    I think it the other way around. Matt wants DQ to be Reality in order to
    interpret the MOQ as having an a/r distinction, while I'm saying it is just
    a different order of experience.

    Matt had said:
    This is why I think Pirsig is totally ambivalent on the subject. The
    concept of "mediated experience" doesn't make any sense to me except to say
    that something is getting in the way of experience. Something is
    distorting it, like, say, green glasses. If we can shed the distortion,
    the green glasses, we will have unmediated experience, something
    undistorted, something pure.

    DMB says:
    Mediated. It just means that experience comes through your sense organs.
    This are the biological static patterns through which the world comes. You
    cultural values and beliefs filter experience too. These are the social
    level patterns, and if you're lucky experience will be mediated through
    intellectual static patterns too. This is not "in the way" of experience, of
    our normal everyday waking consciousness, it IS our experience. At the risk
    of sounding like an imperious scold master, this is an indispensible idea in
    the MOQ. One can hardly understand the first analytic cut, the
    static/Dynamic split, without it. As for UNmediated experience,...

    SAM said:
    I think that it is important that Pirsig leaves DQ indefinable. Another way
    of putting that is to say that it cannot be talked about. As soon as we
    start to talk about something, it is no longer dynamic.

    DMB says:
    Right. Its unspeakable and unimaginable because speech and imagination are
    built of static patterns. One can try. The people who have had and report
    these kinds of experiences can try to describe it, but can never really
    convey the impact.
    SAM SAID: Let us take the difference between
    Copernican and Ptolemaic astronomy as the paradigm example. When the
    conceptual leap from the earlier to the later conceptions was made, there
    was an increase in quality of worldview.
    The question is - how best to characterise this shift? Can we do it without
    making reference to a concept of reality (or Reality) at all? What is the
    status of the 'new' - that is, how are we to describe it epistemologically.

    DMB says:
    I'll go along with Matt. This ain't epistemology either. Its not only a
    Kuhnian paradigm shift, its THEE classic paradigm shift. Perhaps its
    interesting to not that a shift from of set of static patterns to another,
    from one cosmology to another, is quite momentus and changes the world.
    Wonder what that says about a shift from one set of static patterns to DQ.
    Seems like a further way to go, if you ask me.

    Thanks for your time.

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