Re: MD Intellectual Art (Dynamic Morality)

From: johnny moral (
Date: Tue Apr 01 2003 - 20:18:32 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD Intellectual Art (Dynamic Morality)"

    Hi Steve

    Such a morality can not be written down as a set of laws for all to follow,
    since it is the morality of not clinging to laws and allowing yourself to be
    ruled by DQ instead.

    This is how people feel who shoot abortion providers. You can do it, but
    don't expect anyone to sanction it or call it moral.

    I think there is an absolute best action for me at every instant, but I
    won't find it by clinging to fixed rules of conduct. I also think that the
    best action for me right now is not the same as the best action for you
    right now.

    We always do what our strongest desire at the moment of choosing has us do.
    Sometimes that is what we feel is the 'absolute best action', other times it
    isn't. There always is a single moral choice in a situation that most
    people would do, but it is always uncomputable, there is no way to know what
    most people would do. That is the moral choice. It is real, but we can
    only guess at what it is. What we do is influenced by that (assuming you
    believe that you should try to be moral) but is not necesarily what we do.
    We do what our strongest desire has us do.

    What is going on here by a Rick and you and others is the denial of the
    notion that a person should try to be moral, in the sense of doing what most
    people would do. That has been completely tossed out the window, even
    though it is really the definition of morality. Now people seem to use
    ethics and call it "dynamic morality"*, and feel that morality is quaint
    and useful to keep other people in control, but not something they ever
    need. But ethics is not the ontological substance of reality, morality is.
    I think a moral philosophy ought to be in agreement and harmony with
    ontology, not in opposition to it.

    *I missed your distinction between DQ and Dynamic morality. Both terms are
    eyebrow raising for me, whatever the distinction.

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