MD Metaphysics of Quality: An oxymoron?

Date: Thu Apr 17 2003 - 12:25:28 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Metaphysics of Quality: An oxymoron?"

    Hello to all

    This is my first post to this forum, and I am
    sensitive to the probable response the post will
    evoke. Please accept the post as my perception.

    I perceive a fundamental contradiction in the approach
    to quality being taken on this forum. My first
    assertion in support of this perception is that,
    ultimately, metaphysics cannot lead to a creative
    insight [quality]. A creative insight occurs in the
    absence of static intellectual quality [metaphysics]

    A metaphysics is static intellectual quality [a
    pattern of thought]
    SOM is static intellectual quality [a pattern of
    MoQ is static intellectual quality [a pattern of

    In writing Lila, I believe Pirsig has succumbed to the
    overwhelming tendency of the human mind to follow
    patterns of thought. If you want to experience this
    tendency try sitting still and thinking of nothing. In
    writing Lila, I believe Pirsig has produced a book of
    remarkable static quality. That it was produced as a
    result of a creative insight (the one described in
    ZMM) is evident. The book evidently has the ability to
    challenge our patterns of thought. I believe that it
    is after reading a book like Lila that we have a
    tremendous opportunity, in that we are instilled with
    a doubt. We doubt our deeply held beliefs and
    understanding about reality, sometimes the doubt can
    fade as we continue our daily routines and slip back
    into familiar patterns of thought – but sometimes, the
    doubt is too deep and pervasive to fade and so we find
    ourselves slightly adrift from the familiar patterns
    of thought.

    I trust many of you are familiar with what I am
    describing but it is the period following this
    existential drift that I am bringing attention to
    right now. By being on this forum, I believe most of
    you (and myself) followed a similar path – you sought
    new patterns, specifically, the MoQ and similar

    It appears to me that what we are trying to do is
    replace static intellectual quality with static
    intellectual quality. Some of us on this forum may be
    struggling with this activity and as such we are
    experiencing confusion between two conflicting
    patterns of thought. Some of us may have achieved the
    replacement and will be now be following a different
    pattern of thought. This is comparable to thinking in
    terms of the theory of relativity instead of classical
    physics. This is the contradiction that I perceive in
    the approach that is being taken amongst this forum’s
    members. The momentary vacation from static patterns
    has long finished and has been followed by
    enthusiastic static latching. We have a new model now,
    doubt has surrendered, everything is better now.

    The tendency is then to test our new model against
    events, statements, feelings and in fact, everything
    and anything. It is implied that we have the best
    model available to categorise the whole of our
    experience in terms of Quality.

    I believe the existential drift is where ceaselessly
    unfolding Quality is experienced, not in a

    I am therefore suggesting that an alternative approach
    is to focus effort on trying to perceive the
    difference in operation between a mind that is
    following a pattern of thought and a mind completely
    absorbed in moment to moment awareness of the
    unfolding of Quality. By doing this we may begin to
    recognise when the movement of our own minds is the
    unfolding of Quality and when it is following familiar
    patterns of thought. When the former occurs, I feel
    you are no longer thinking about Quality, Quality is
    thinking about you. When Quality is thinking, Quality
    is acting, Quality is fixing motorcycles.

    I have a little more to say on this matter, but in the
    aesthetic of ‘less is more’ I’ll await responses from
    the members of the forum, if any.



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