Re: MD Philosophy and Theology

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Sun May 04 2003 - 12:10:40 BST

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD 'unmediated experience'"

    Hi David,

    I asked those questions because it seemed to me that you were bringing in Wilber as an 'authority',
    and I don't recognise Wilber as an authority, so it didn't add anything to your argument. So for
    example, when Wilber says: "with the irreversible differentiantions of modernity, most of those
    premodern beliefs and functions of religion are no longer legitimate and can no longer be sustained
    in modern consciousness (except among those who remain at a premodern level oin their own
    development)" or "Mythology is true enough in its own world-space; its just that perspectival reason
    is "more true": more developed, more differentiated-and-integrated, and more sophisticated in its
    capacity to disclose verifiable knowledge" I think that his understanding of modernity (and
    religion) is deeply flawed. This is something on which you and I have already locked horns in some
    depth, so I don't see what bringing in Wilber adds to the discussion.

    It seems to me that any valid points which Wilber makes can be introduced by you in the course of
    the discussion, it doesn't need an 'imprimatur' from Mr Wilber to give it any greater force. In the
    two years that I have been participating in this forum, I have read a lot of Wilber extracts (from
    you and John B)and he has never struck me as someone with anything interesting to say (in contrast
    to, for example, Kingsley, who I immediately thought sounded interesting - or Barfield, although I
    haven't got around to reading him yet). He seems to be primarily a synthesist (nothing wrong with
    that) but one who has a narrow perspective on mythology and religion in general, and Christianity in
    particular, so the resources that he is synthesising are impoverished. I'd be interested to hear
    what you have to say about the conflict between Wilber and Campbell that Steve has brought up.
    (Campbell is someone else who I think has something to say, and I am definitely going to renew my
    acquaintance with his 'myths to live by' that you quoted recently).

    As I said to Platt, I find Wilber to be a vacuous windbag. I much prefer having a dialogue with you.


    "Even to have expressed a false thought boldly and clearly is already to have gained a great deal."
    Wittgenstein, 1948

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