Re: MD The mythology of science

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Sun Jun 08 2003 - 16:34:23 BST

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD The Eudaimonic MoQ"

    Hi David,

    > dmb says:
    > Let's try a completely different approach. .....
    > I won't go into
    > detail about the connection between dreams and myths, but let me assert
    > their intimate connection with a single pithy phrase; myths are public
    > dreams and dreams are private myths. (I forget if it was Campbell or Jung
    > who said that.) With this in mind, I think we can see that there is not so
    > much a mythology of science as a mythology ABOUT science. And what I see in
    > our culture is very far away from the depiction of scientists or science as
    > the saviours of the world. Quite the opposite....
    > What Pirsig trys so hard to tell us in ZAMM is that we ought not feel
    > alienated by technology or science. In SODV he tells us that scientists are
    > not passionless or cold, but creative artists. And the MOQ tells us exactly
    > why we should honor and embrace the intellect as a higher form of morals and
    > values.
    > Does that make sense?

    Yes it does, a great deal of sense, which is why I think our disagreements are over-rated. I
    particularly liked the phrase about dreams and myths, that 'rings my bell'. Given your interest in
    Jung, wouldn't you agree that our culture's relationship to science contains a deep ambivalence, and
    that these contrary myths, of light and dark, are ways in which society is 'compensating' for what
    has happened since the scientific revolution? Just as the 'madonna/whore' complex results from an
    unintegrated anima?


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