Re: MD Intellectual level

Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 20:05:26 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Intellectual level"

    Hi All
    please bear
    with me.

    sq: You have had your day Bo - years of days. Now give the DQ/SQ tension
    people a go. Make way for people who wish to explore Mr. Pirsig's ideas and not
    your own.
    You say 'we' have no conclusion to YOUR uncertainty regarding the intellect!
    You began the confusion and misunderstanding! The MoQ is just fine without
    your own peculiar view.
    It has taken a long time to begin to turn things around. I gather you do not
    like this?

    S/O is ill described as an intellect. It is a conceptualisation - a
    manipulation of symbols by the intellect. The intellect may be described as a tension
    between a repertoire of symbols and DQ. The relationship is everything.

    The MoQ suggests Intellect is a DQ/SQ tension between the total repertoire of
    static patterns and DQ. There is no 'bordering on' DQ because the intellect
    is in a relationship with DQ. That is our intuitive dynamic sense and the
    source of our aesthetic.

    To seriously suggest that intellect is merely the S/O divide is ludicrous.
    This apparent division is a method of conceptualising experience. For
    conceptualising to happen, there has to be intellectual manipulation - manipulation of a
    repertoire in a relationship with DQ.

    DQ is beyond conceptualisation, therefore mind, or symbolic manipulation, is
    a relationship between what the self thinks it is and something that cannot be
    defined - an otherness. The subject is never alone. Therefore, it is never a
    subject. Never.


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