Re: MD MOQ human development and the levels

From: Scott R (
Date: Mon Jun 30 2003 - 03:42:50 BST

  • Next message: Joe: "Re: MD The Intellectual Level"


    {Squonk:] I feel if Skutvik had left the forum many years ago, the character of the forum would be more practical and less theoretical. As it is, its full of much that is almost totally useless - no value to anyone but the members of the forum?

    Theory is useless? The intellectual level is useless? I strongly disagree. This is the place for theory. Practice has to happen offline.

    [Squonk:] Worse, because it makes others less likely to find practicality away from the forum.

    I don't see this at all. If you are referring to something like "let more DQ into your life", well, I find Quality in intellectual pursuits, so theory is just fine with me. Any other kind of pursuit would be hard to do in an email forum.

    [Squonk:] I single out Skutvik because his tone is very much in evidence in the archives - he set the tone for years. 'The Skutvik years' of the forum will likely be his legacy to Humanity.

    Bo was contributing regularly during the first year that I was. I did not find his tone dominant. In any case, we're all adults here, so it's up to each of us to set our own tone.

    [Squonk:] And the same goes for dmb. After we are all dead and gone, our work will remain, and if you feel dmb is leaving significant posterity, then i am very happy about it. A significant posterior perhaps?

    No need for insults. Is that what you want to leave for posterity?

    - Scott

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