Re: MD Intellectual patterns? huh?

From: Joe (
Date: Wed Jul 16 2003 - 17:55:12 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Role of imagination with beauty"

    On 15 July 12:11 PM Matt P K writes:

    Absolutely. When Pirsig says "harmony" I think he's saying the same thing
    as when Rorty says "coherence".

    However, I think you've missed my emphasis. I'm not sure what "objective
    rationality" is supposed to mean. After all, I take "objective" to mean
    "intersubjective". But, my emphasis was not on the inner workings of any
    particular community in finding coherence or harmony, but in the individual
    person, as when I said, "coherence with your other intellectual patterns,"
    emphasis on "your". And I believe I was referring to "gut" feelings when I
    said, "An initial feeling of low Quality is that first impulse of
    incoherence, and vice versa for high Quality."

    Hi Matt, Platt,

    joe: "coherence with your other intellectual patterns" feels right. My DNA
    generated awareness can be filled with many patterns, and there are many
    more in memory. If I accept the relativity of 'existence', 'purpose', and
    'dq', then sq patterns can be composed of unrelated aspects. The
    'coherence' feels right when the sq patterns are composed of related
    aspects. I have an intuitive sense of the moral orders, and the 'coherence'
    is my conscience. As much as Platt hates 'intuitive intellect', I can see
    no other formulation. An 'intuited' sq pattern intellect would not be
    coherent. The intuition of my 'awareness' has a word 'I' to describe it,
    but this word I also describes a pattern of how I see myself and how others
    see me. I am very much influenced by the way I was educated.


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