Re: MD Does she or not?

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 15:24:44 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD What does Pi.... mean by *static intellectual patterns*?"

    Hi DMB,
    > dmb said:
    > You haven't given us one good reason why anyone should think Pirsig means
    > she does when he says she doesn't.
    > Steve replied:
    > Is this the royal 'us'? I haven't heard anyone else saying that Lila does
    > not participate in intellectual patterns of value while at least a couple of
    > others have argued against you that she does.
    > dmb says:
    > The word "us" simply refers to the readers.

    Oh. Then I suggest that you speak only for yourself on whether my reasons
    are good.

    >And when was it decided that
    > popularity is an appropriate way to assess the value of an idea?

    It wasn't. That's why I raised the issue. I was wondering if you thought
    we were supposed to be arguing to convince one another or performing for the
    benefit of an audience.

    >I can't
    > help but think this objection has been fabricated as a distraction.

    It wasn't.

    > After
    > the smoke clears I can see that there is still no good reason.

    I disagree, and I'm anxious to hear some "good reasons" to support your
    interpretation in light of Platt's list of quotes on whether she does or not
    which are consistent with my interpretation.


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