RE: MD Lila's Child (SOM)

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 22:05:56 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD Lila's Child (SOM)"

    Platt said to dmb:
    ...................And yes, you do dream of communist or socialist
    "plans for intellectual control of society" with yourself and other
    self-appointed intellectuals in charge of some bureaucracy telling
    people how they ought to think and behave because you and the rest of
    your elitist intellectual friends know best.

    dmb says:
    Darn! You've exposed my plot to take over the world. My elitist friends and
    I have always known that the path to absolute power would include years of
    philosophizing at (dark, diabolical laughter.) Now that most of the
    subscribers have been converted to communisitic socialism, self-appointed
    intellectuals like us were ready to use them to staff our oppresive
    bureaucracy. (sadistic, sinister laughter - with cavernous echoes.) But now
    that you've used your extraordinary abilities to find and expose our evil
    secrets and conspiracies, we'll have to come up with an another plan. Darn!

    Or maybe you've exposed something else - like your own anti-intellectual
    attitudes and feelings of inferiority, perhaps? Whatever the reason,
    comments like this are obviously way over the top. You're free to try to
    make your case more convincing. You can even hurl insults, but neither will
    be effective if you insist on incorporating your paranoid delusions and
    fearful fantasies. Nonsense like this only makes me question your grip on
    reality and it has a way of skirting the issues too.

    Here are some Pirsigisms on the issue...

    "The advent of of both democratic and communistic socialism and the fascist
    reaction to them has been the consequence of this earthquake" P266 (fall of
    Victorians is the fall of social level)

    "The hurricane of social forces released by the overthrow of society by
    intellect was most strongly felt in Europe, ..where Communism and socialism,
    programs for intellectual control over society, were confronted by the
    reactionary forces of fascism, a program for the social control of
    intellect." P274

    "The New Deal was many things, but at the center of it all was the belief
    that intellectual planning by the government was necessary for society to
    regain its health. was also a new deal for the intelllectuals of
    America." P274

    "It's not that Victorian social economic patterns are more moral than
    socialist intellectual economic patterns. Quite the opposite. They are LESS
    moral as static patterns go." P221



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