RE: MD Pirsig, Falck, and Wolfram

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Aug 16 2003 - 18:40:22 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Value of thinking"

    Matt, Platt, Lars and all:
    Just a brief comment, gents....

    > Matt said:
    > I'm sorry, I'm just beside myself. My entire world is falling apart.
    > Platt's now endorsing Paglia. I wouldn't have guessed it for the world.
    > Camille Paglia, who loves her teacher, Harold Bloom, who loves his
    > buddy, Richard Rorty.

    Platt replied:
    Suggest you take a another look at Harold Bloom, defender of the
    Western canon and staunch fighter against your hero's deconstructionism
    and multi-culturalism. That he loves his adversaries doesn't mean he
    agrees with them. After all, I love you. :-)

    Lars said:
    If you want to play degrees of ideological separation, you could point out
    that Harold Bloom also loves his buddy Jacques Derrida, whom la Paglia has
    devoted so much well-deserved spleen towards over the years.

    dmb says:
    It seems that Matt has become a victim of the Cleveland Harbor effect and
    has apparently become lost in the ideological landscape. There is no doubt
    that Paglia is a hero among conservatives, especially right wing
    libertarians. I'm not at all surprized that Platt would like her. It only
    figures. Bloom is also well liked by the Right. Sure, they might be friends,
    but then so are Ann Coulter and Bill Mahr. In fact they are very good
    friends, yet they disagree about almost everything. What surprizes me is
    that Matt, who is obviously a very bright guy, could be so mixed up about
    these things. Which team are you on, Matt? It seems your ideological radar
    needs to be repaired. I can only hope that you don't become an intellectual
    air traffic controller. Hate see anybocy get hurt. Crash and Ka Boom! :-0


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