Re: MD Forked tongue

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 22:55:09 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Pirsig and Peirce"

    Dear Platt,

    It seems to me that evolution (at any level) is a pattern explainable by the
    interplay of good static latches and dynamic breaks from those latches that
    only leave a lasting impression if that what breaks free finds a 'better
    latch'. No 'concept' of any kind plays any role in the explanation.
    Evolution not being guided by a concept or purpose of 'betterness' does NOT
    rule out the possibility that evolution DOES lead to 'betterness', depending
    on how one defines 'better'. Including something like 'survival' (measurable
    only as 'resulting from evolution') in the definition of 'better' would lead
    to a circular argument, however.

    By the way, in my experience getting out of bed in the morning hardly ever
    requires a purpose. Usually it's a habitual reaction to either an alarm or a
    full bladder. Some people (like me) need purpose and Meaning in order not to
    become too suicidal. Others are more in need of fun and happiness in their
    lives. Neither type usually spends much energy on making a decision whether
    or not to get out of bed today by reasoning whether or not it will serve a
    given purpose or bring more happiness.

    With friendly greetings,


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