MD Happiness

From: Ian Glendinning (
Date: Thu Aug 28 2003 - 23:37:33 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD MoQ platypuses"

    Wim, a second point in here ...

    In the previous mail I rattled off a list of people I know who have similar
    theories (to Maslow) about what makes people tick (in organisations) - what
    motivates us and what makes us "happy". These come from my general business
    management education, training and experience. I'm not a professional /
    qualified psychologist either.

    Several such names appear in this particular blog of mine

    Incidentally, the discussion in Lila and about Lila, and the quality level
    at which Lila operates, always rang bells with Hertzberg's version of this
    layered view of motivators. Those below you are simply hygiene, necessary to
    keep life and soul together, those above may motivate you, but if not you're
    in trouble - like Lila.

    The pigeon-holes that Myers & Briggs use, are expressly Jungian "types", and
    less obviously hierarchical layers - in fact positively not hierarchical for
    reasons of political correctness - but it's easy to spot parallels IMHO.

    I can dig up specific references for all these people if a Google search
    doesn't hit them for you.

    Ian Glendinning

    -----Original Message-----
    []On Behalf Of Wim Nusselder
    Sent: 27 August 2003 22:31
    Subject: Re: MD economics of want and greed 4

    Dear Ian,


    Do you happen to know about a body of research of 'happiness' in different
    populations all over the world taking (approximately) Maslow's categories of
    needs as basis and trying to measure their relative levels of satisfaction?
    There must be, I guess, as Maslow started a whole school in psychology,
    hypothesized decreasing percentages of satisfaction when going up the
    hierarchy and presented (in 1943) his theory as a 'program or framework for
    future research'. (I'm not a psychologist. If you are, you will surely be
    able to direct me efficiently to such research.)


    With friendly greetings,


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