Re: MD Evolution of levels

Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 02:37:32 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD fractal philosophy and MOQ"


    I'm trying to pin down some widely held assumptions about the MOQ that
    I'm not clear on, starting with this one.

    Bo said:
    "According to the MOQ all levels start(ed) as a pattern of the parent

    Is this what Pirsig said? Does he really mean that a pattern of values
    in one level "moves up" to a new level?

    The reason I ask is that:

    a) I don't see the necessity to make that assertion - why couldn't a new
    level be said to be created by the first pattern that fits the
    definition of that level?

    b) it can't be based on observation

    c) It doesn't fit with the statement that levels are not continuous

    d) a pattern of values is a pattern, not a thing, so it's not that a
    thing starts doing something else so much as a new pattern creates a
    different thing. That is, when a pattern changes, it is no longer the
    old pattern in any sense

    Bo, I'm not trying to prove you wrong, like I said, it's a widely held
    assumption so it must come from somewhere. Is there a statement anyone
    can quote which explicitly says that a pattern of values moves up a
    level? The quote Bo gave just says that each level's purpose is to
    preserve the level below, not that it was part of the level below. Is it
    just inferred from such quotes?

    Bo cited:
    "Therefore, to the question, "What is the purpose of all this
    intellectual knowledge?" the Metaphysics of Quality answers, "The
    fundamental purpose of knowledge is to Dynamically improve and preserve
    society. "Knowledge has grown away from this historic purpose and become
    an end in itself just as society has grown away from its original
    purpose of preserving physical human beings and become an end in itself,
    and this growing away from original purposes toward greater Quality is a
    moral growth."



    Hello Paul,
    There is nothing in the MoQ which supports this quote: "According to the MOQ
    all levels start(ed) as a pattern of the parent level."
    Biological patterns make use of the Dynamic nature of Carbon bonding, for
    example, but Biological patterns are not Carbon bonds. If one traces the first
    replicating biological patterns to that instant when Carbon bonding became
    significant, what is there that may be said to be the parent pattern of biological
    Social patterns emerged from Biological life behaving in a Dynamic sense -
    but whatever sense this is, it's not a Biological pattern - there is no parent
    biological pattern to the social level. A flock of seagulls or Sprats moving in
    a swarm may be viewed as a social pattern in seagull or sprat terms; humans
    swarm in their own ways also, (any time lapse movie of rush hour traffic/city
    life indicates this to be so), but the social swarm is not a biological
    pattern; it's not hardwired.
    Intellectual patterns are a problem for people like Bo because he wishes to
    make very clear statements regarding his own metaphysics - the problem is, he
    does not take care to indicate that they are his own assumptions, and not to be
    confused with the MoQ. As with the other levels there is no parent social
    pattern for the intellectual level, because intellectual patterns are entirely
    new relationships altogether.
    The computer programme language analogy in Lila illustrates how one level
    does not have a parent pattern in the level below it.
    All the best,

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