Re: MD Darwinisn in dispute ?

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Mon Sep 15 2003 - 19:52:56 BST

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Darwinisn in dispute ?"

    Hi Jonathan,

    I must have missed your earlier post - I was a bit distracted around that time. But I found this
    very helpful. However, I have one question for you - or rather, one request. You wrote:
    > >The only way to test a theory is to test its predictions. If the theory
    > >makes no testable predictions, then according to Popper, it isn't a
    > >scientific theory. The theory of evolution makes many predictions:
    > >
    > >Inheritance and mutation were inferred (i.e. predicted to exist) well
    > >before the molecular mechanisms were discovered (Darwin knew nothing
    > >about DNA and genetics).
    > >
    > >Evolutionary Theory predicts the emergence of antibiotic-resistant
    > >bacteria, pesticide resistant insects and herbicide resistant plants -
    > >all of these predictions verified.
    > >
    > >Evolutionary Theory predicts that you have more in common with a gorilla
    > >than with a locust - MOLECULAR GENETICS CONFIRMS THIS.

    Please could you break down that last point for me. I can see how the first ones are genuine
    predictions, but it isn't immediately obvious to me why evolutionary theory would *predict* that I
    have more in common with a gorilla than a locust. Intuitively I would have thought that the
    prediction would be based on certain evidence (eg morphology etc) - and that then becomes a logical
    non sequitur, if the morphology, ie phenotype in general, is dependent on the underlying genetic
    similarity. In other words it's starting off from a similarity - or at least, that's my initial
    reaction. However, being distinctly non-specialist on this one, I look forward to being shown the
    error of my ways!


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